The Hybrid Environmental Projection Platform is currently being developed as a spatial augmented reality platform with integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems. The operation of the platform is based on interactive systems, robotics, and telepresence systems that allow the immersive projection of cultural themes to and from diverse multilingual communities. The project aims the creation of a transcultural network that will cooperatively develop telepresence objects, inspired by those communities’ cultural heritage in order to enhance its efficient dissemination. https://nefeliman.com/hepp

render by : https://www.iasonpaterakis.com/#hepp-2022

Research team: Iason Paterakis, Nefeli Manoudaki, Marios Christoulakis, Marios Ioannides, Theodoros Paraskakis, Savinna Similidou
Student researchers: George Artsidakis, Danai Geitonaki, Panagiotis Menegos, Anna Nikaki, Markella Bgenaki, Mirto Pagomenaki, George Tzevelekisarcheologists: Michail Andrianakis, Konstantinos Fournarakis
supervisors: Konstantinos- Alketas Oungrinis, Marianthi Liapipartners: TUC TIE Lab, Videorythmos P.C., Municipality of Chania
contribution: Graphic, Unity, CollagesYou can find more about the immersive installation here : https://nefeliman.com/hepp.