My passion for light started with photogrpahy, many years ago.  Making videos and step by step tutorials was the first time I understod how light could transform my projects. Architecture school definately influncesd the way I used light in space and how to design spaces that tell stories through light and it shadows. Living in greece, sun was one of the strongest elements when it comes to design and sunlight is something we embrace.  In my current studies at ITP all I needed was to take Tom Igoe’s class called : Light and Interactivity to start understanding light and how it should be shared wth everyone. 

Light inspiration  

follow my light inspiration journey 

LED candle : 

As a first asigment we had to Create an artificial candle or lantern using a NeoPixel jewel or other programmable LED.


I tried making pixel 0 a veraman color, pixel 1 a deep red. and the rest 5 pixels were fading colors from (h <= 900 || h >= 2000) .

  • My code : 
    #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>const int neoPixelPin = 5; // control pin
    const int pixelCount = 7; // number of pixels
    int change = 100; // increment to change hue by// set up strip:
    Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(pixelCount, neoPixelPin, NEO_GRBW + NEO_KHZ800);int h = 1000; // hue, 0-65535
    int s = 255; // saturation 0-255
    int i = 255; // intensity 0-255
    int h1= 65535;void setup() {
     strip.begin(); // initialize pixel strip
     strip.clear(); // turn all LEDs off; // update strip
    }void loop() {
     // create a single color from hue, sat, intensity:
     long color = strip.ColorHSV(h, s, i);
     long color1 = strip.ColorHSV(h1, s, i);
    // make the pixel 0 - greenish blue 
     strip.setPixelColor(0, 200,100,20);; 
     // make the pixel 1 - red 
     strip.setPixelColor(1, color1 );; 
     // loop over all the pixels:
     for (int pixel = 2; pixel < pixelCount; pixel++) {
     strip.setPixelColor(pixel, color);; // update the strip
     } // increment hue to fade from red (0) to reddish orange (2400) and back:
     // if ( h<49000 ){
     h = h + change;
     // when it hits the boundaries, reverse the direction of change:
     if (h <= 900 || h >= 2000) { change = -change;
     // if (h= 2100){ // }
     // constrin hue to 0-2400:
     // h = constrain(h, 0, 2400);


LED candle from anna nikaki on Vimeo.